The main activity of the company VOMZ - Slovakia s.r.o. is the production of quality stainless steel furniture,thermal and cooling gastro equipment for the food and chemical industry, healthcare, we furnish kitchens, fastfood, confectionery, and provide complete equipment for gastro operations in optimized dimensions and type design according to customer requirements.
We offer complete design, consulting services in the design of catering equipment, assembly, import and warranty and post-warranty service. refrigerated gastronomic equipment.
With our expert team, we can help you select the right furniture and equipment for your operation.
In our more than two decades of operation, we have supplied thousands of devices to various catering establishments and have accumulated years of experience.
Our experienced design team implements, innovates and consults on solutions on a daily basis. We prepare a design solution and proposal in 3D and 2D, which is consulted with the customer prior to the production of a specific order.
If you experience a problem with the technology after purchase, you can contact us at any time. Our trained technicians will always help you professionally.
In addition to the serial production of catalogue catering equipment, we also specialize in atypical, individualized stainless steel products - according to the requirements of customers and their establishments.
Thanks to our technological equipment, we also provide services in the field of stainless steel material processing. Sheet metal punching and shearing, cutting, sheet metal bending, welding, spot welding, grinding, electrical installation,
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Over the period of its operation, Vomz Slovakia s.r.o. has built a leading position in its field on the Slovak, Austrian and German markets.
The company OMVeZ - Pjaták Ján was established, the company was engaged in servicing of gastronomic equipment and partly in production, it was engaged in several business activities, but the main essence of the company was gastronomy and it remained.
Gradually, the company renewed its machinery for the production of catering equipment, the company went with the trend of the times and gradually improved quality and workmanship up to the design, where the design department was created. The first exhibition in Bratislava was held in 1996.
The company was transformed into Vomz Slovakia s.r.o., the company, based on a young and professionally knowledgeable team responding to the requirements of the latest trend and demand for equipment, developed rapidly and kept pace with the times and market requirements.
The company purchased new production halls and administrative premises of the business premises in Spišská Bela as the new headquarters of the company. And started the production of complete stainless steel furniture, thermal and refrigeration catering equipment for large kitchens and catering facilities.
A quality management system according to ISO 9001 and an environmental management system according to ISO 14001 have been established in our company, which guarantees the high quality of our products and services.
Over the period of its operation, Vomz Slovakia s.r.o. has built a leading position in its field on the Slovak market.
We guarantee you quality and long service life of the delivered equipment at competitive prices. We are able to adapt to the technical requirements and financial possibilities of the customer. The quality of production and final products are based on many years of experience of cooperation with customers.
In addition to standard products, we offer standardized products, which are realized according to the customer's wishes and interior possibilities, as well as the sale and distribution of gastro technology and gastro equipment, or other products for the complex establishment of gastro establishments. All products are made of high quality stainless steel for the food industry and comply with strict hygiene standards.
In addition to the serial production of catalogue catering equipment, Vomz Slovakia s.r.o. also specializes in atypical, individualized stainless steel products - according to customer requirements.
Kvalita našich výrobkov a služieb bola ocenená na výstave Danubia Gastro v Bratislave v roku 2008 za nerezový bar a taktiež na tejto výstave v roku 2009 za výdajný fastfúdový pult a vitrínu.
Máme skúsený konštrukčný tím, ktorý denne realizuje rôzne požiadavky od zákazníkov a navrhuje či konzultuje riešenia v rámci individuálnych dispozícii alebo návrhov.
Vychádzame v ústrety požiadavkám našich zákazníkov a naše výrobky priebežne inovujeme. Neustále rozširujeme sortiment gastronomického zariadenia o nové zaujímavé výrobky. Nezaobídeme sa teda bez vlastného vývojového tímu.
U nás na prvom mieste je dôslednosť a praktické využite výrobkov v gastronómii, naše konštrukčné oddelenie denne pracuje na vývoji nerezového nábytku jeho použiteľnosti a dôraz kladieme na kvalitu. Tak ako v materiáli a aj výrobnom prevedení.
V roku 2013 bol v našej spoločnosti zriadený systém manažérstva kvality podľa ISO 9001 a systém environmentálneho manažérstva podľa ISO 14001, čím je garantovaná vysoká kvalita našich výrobkov a služieb.
V roku 1990 vznikla firma OMVeZ – Pjaták Ján, firma sa zaoberala servisom gastrozariadení a čiastočne výrobou, zaoberala sa viacerými obchodnými činnosťami no hlavnou podstatou firmy bolo gastro a aj ostalo. Postupne vo firme bol obnovovaný strojný park na výrobu gastrozariadení, firma išla s trendom doby a postupne sa vylepšovala kvalita a opracovanie až po projekciu. Prvú výstavu v Bratislave absolvovala v roku 1996.
V roku 2000 sa firma transformovala na firmu Vomz Slovakia s.r.o., firma sa na základe mladého a odborne fundovaného kolektívu reagujúceho na požiadavky najnovšieho trendu a dopytu zariadení rýchlo rozvíjala a držala krok s dobou a požiadavkami trhu.